When we got a Sunamp Uniq 12 heat battery (I should probably say that this is, imho, its only failure. It does the job it's supposed to do very well and we're very pleased with it.) I therefore took a look inside the control box and discovered some pins on the main pcb labelled ground, 5v, tx, rx. That sort of thing... So to cut a long story short I made a little box that does the things I want, and here is a description of it. |
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Here's the logger in place and working. It's a small black box which attaches to the Sunamp's control box with internal magnets. It has 2 sets of wires coming out of it: a pair which connect to the Sunamp's control box, and a pair which can be connected to a current operated switch so you can monitor how much electricity it's using. Power is supplied by a usb charging cable. It could take its tiny amount of power from the Sunamp's board, but I didn't want anyone saying that it could overload the board's power supply. The LEDs
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Here's the connection inside the Sunamp's control box. As you can see, the logger just connects to 2 pins on the Sunamp's pcb: Ground and Tx. (It actually works just fine with just the Tx connection as long as everything's grounded correctly.) Not shown here, but the cable can go through one of the unused holes in the bottom of the box - I didn't have to make any extra holes. |
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The logger doesn't just report the state of charge and whether or not it's currently charging and receiving data from the Sunamp, it also contains a webserver which can be accessed from the local wifi network (or from afar with a bit of router setup). The logger provides 3 forms of information about the Sunamp:
Having made this gadget, we find it very useful; mainly as we can tell the charge state with a quick glance. Of course, if the house central heating system (CHS) was fully automated and working properly that shouldn't be necessary. But at the moment it's not, so it is. At the moment, we have 2 actual heat sources: a small solar PV array on the roof and a pellet boiler. (And the Sunamp's own immersion heater of course, but we don't use that unless something's gone wrong.) The Sunamp's low power coil is part of the CHS circuit, as is the pellet boiler, so when the boiler runs it heats up the Sunamp and the radiators at the same time. It's a nice simple system. In summer, the pellet boiler's turned off and the solar PV keeps the battery topped up nicely and we don't need the CHS. In winter, the PV produces very lttle power - often not enough to heat the domestic hot water, never enough to even touch the space heating requirements.
But fully charged, the battery can heat the house for some hours (only 2-4 ish at the mo., but that should
improve as we add wall insulation, better glazing etc).
So in a ideal world, we'd fire up the pellet boiler using a demand signal from the Sunamp when it's,
say, 20% charged.
The pellet boiler automatically turns itself off when the return temp is high enough and hot
water for the CHS would then come from the Sunamp until it fires up the pellet boiler again a
few hours later.
That's efficient too because if you leave the pellet boiler on and allow it to
modulate or cycle
But at the moment, since the Sunamp can only switch demand at either 50% or 10% charged, we just keep an eye on the logger's charge level LED (it's in the kitchen, so that's easy), and turn on the boiler when it's down to 1 or 2 bars. So.... I'm seriously considering adding a relay to the logger so that it could provide a demand signal which would be activated at a configurable charge level. That would make the whole system automatic. The only thing is I wouldn't be able to call it a logger any more. I'd have to rename it a Sunamp integrator or something instead. PJR January 2021 |